Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Tuesday Two's

So what can you expect from the Tuesday Two's? Well, for one thing it is the second day of the week and a pretty boring day in my book, it's just....blah! You might find some tip on making Tuesday exciting for you and your significant other, oh la la. Of course, surprising the kiddos with a fun dessert might brighten the day up. Other Tuesday Two's you might encounter, funny anecdotes on life with my youngest, Brooks, when at 18 months I see signs of the terrible two's on the horizon. And the older two are always good for a funny story. Whatever the focus of this most nothing day, expect it to follow the theme of two's. So stayed tuned and learn how we make the second day of the week one to actually look forward to. In closing, here is today's thought on something two.....

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein


  1. Brings back memories of the boy's when they were young. Good ones and the not so good. Terrible two's seemed to last into their teen years.

  2. Your right, the terrible two's do seem to drag. A friend once told me though that the days are long, but the years are short! So I do try to enjoy them.
