Here are some funny anecdotes form the members of my Stretch & Strength class, comprised mostly of senior adults. Bare in mind these facts as you read: 1. They like to talk, all through class. 2. They whine and complain, but think it's funny. 3. Senior adults are not embarrassed, nor phased, by flatulence.
"This one's my favorite, the arms are the new face ya know".
"Well if arms are the new face, the legs are the new butt".
"It's a natural bodily function people".
"Can you keep your bodily function to yourself please".
"Oh, did we start".
"Yes we started! You can't be a top notcher, if you are going to be a clock watcher".
"I can't do that, I have titanium in that hip".
"That hurts my shoulder"....."That hurts my back"........"Joey! Joey!".........."My instructor in New York......."
Never a dull moment! They make me laugh!!
Oh the titanium in my feet, I feel their pain. No one thinks I'm funny when I walk their walk or talk their talk. Or do they????????